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Due to the special handling and high postage costs required to deliver cases of glass jars without breakage, Bernardin mason jars are not offered in our mail order selection. Selected mass merchandisers, hardware and grocery stores across Canada, sell a selection of BERNARDIN® Mason Jars year-round.
Unfortunately, we don't sell our products directly to consumers, but only through retailers. It’s important to note that each store may carry a different assortment of our merchandise and if an item is out of stock with your preferred retailers, we encourage you to try all the retailers from time to time and new inventory arrives. The retailers are getting regular shipments but in limited amounts from their distribution centers and it's become a timing issue of being at the right store at the right time. This is much like paper and cleaning products shortages last year, except that most retailers are not placing limits on canning products. You can see an up-to-date list of retailers on our Where to Buy page: If you shop for our products online, we'd recommend only buying from a trusted retailer. Also, some retailers like Walmart and Amazon offer a platform for third-party sellers and resellers. To be sure that you are purchasing a genuine Bernardin brand product at fair market prices, we'd recommend purchasing items which are being sold and shipped by the retailer.
There are several local farms available across Canada, please see below suggestions:
If you aren't a canner there are several other options you can explore with Bernardin(R) jars. Feel free to use them for organizing your dry pantry storage (ie rice, pasta, candies), or have a creative side there are several DIY projects, or even floral arrangements that can be used with the jars.
Because families have been spending more time and preparing more meals at home, as well as an increase in interest in gardening and canning since the pandemic began, there has been an unprecedented increase in demand for our products. Please know that we are working very hard to get all our products to the stores, including lids and bands. We have increased production of all products and safely implemented additional shifts at our manufacturing facilities, but the demand is still higher than we can produce. The mix of increased demand for canning products, and the safety measures put in place by both our team and our retail partners to keep our employees safe during this time, has led to longer shipping times. As the lids are our most sought-after product, they are selling out as soon as the retailers put them on the shelves. And with the longer shipping times, available product is selling out quicker then we can restock. That said, we have no intentions of slowing down and recommend you continue to monitor our up-to-date list of retailers on our Where to Buy page.
Please know that we're working very hard to get all canning products to the retailers. We are producing and distributing lids to the distribution centers for all retailers regularly. Many retailers have stopped online purchases of canning supplies, much like paper and cleaning products last year, since the inventory moves so quickly. Some retailers are placing limits on our products, while others are not. Due to COVID-19's impact on our business, we have made changes to adapt to the current situation. This safety measure is causing delays in product shipping times. The mix of these two things is leading to what feels like a shortage. As we continue to work on this, we hope that you will try all the authorized retailers from time to time, as they receive new shipments.
It's always our goal to create and deliver quality jars, supplies, and appliances that help you preserve freshness, flavor, and fun. While canning is at the heart of the Bernardin brand, we continue to create other products that we hope inspire you.
Due to COVID-19's impact on our business over the past year, we’ve had to adjust our production processes to adapt to the situation. This means that we’ve set in place practices that ensure the highest standard of safety for both our employees, and our retail partners. It also meant that as with other USA-made products, a lower level of available products. The closures, particularly the lids, are our most sought-after products and are unfortunately selling out as fast as they reach the store shelves. Over the past months we've increased production of all products, including lids, implemented additional shifts at our manufacturing facilities, and streamlined production. We hope you'll continue check our up-to-date list of retailers on our Where to Buy page. Some retailers offer a platform for third-party sellers, to ensure you're purchasing genuine Bernardin brand products when shopping online, we recommend buying items which are being sold and shipped by the trusted retailer.
Placing limits on canning products is solely at the discretion of the retailer. While we have no control over this, you can see an up-to-date list of retailers on our Where to Buy page. If you shop for our products online, we'd recommend only buying from a trusted retailer. Also, some retailers like Walmart and Amazon offer a platform for third-party sellers and resellers. To be sure that you are purchasing a genuine Bernardin brand product at fair market prices, we'd recommend purchasing items which are being sold and shipped by the retailer.
Up-to-date lid application technique is important!
Changes in lid design and sealing compounds have led to new and improved application techniques for ensuring tight seals to guard against food spoilage.
In years past, instructions for zinc lids as well as metal bands, used with rubber rings and glass lids, dictated that lids be twisted on very tightly or be applied very firmly and then backed off (reversed) a quarter turn.
Other out-dated techniques required that bands be retightened after processing or that jars be inverted after closing or processing.
All of these lid application techniques are outdated! Used with today's two-piece metal lids, these techniques can cause seal failure. These outdated techniques simply do not work successfully with two-piece metal home canning lids made and sold in Canada and the United States. Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations for use of a product.
Heating filled jars of food in boiling water and then wrapping the jars in woolen blankets to keep them warm over a period of time is not recommended for any type of food. Food preserved according to this method of food preservation rarely, if ever, reaches temperatures sufficient to destroy microorganisms. Keeping the jars warm in blankets can, in fact, be dangerous. The prolonged warm environment may promote bacterial growth inside the jars.
General home canning guidelines were updated in the late 1980s to meet today's standards of quality and safety. Home canning recipes or books published prior to 1988, may contain outdated information which could affect the safety of the end result. For this reason, we suggest using a reputable canning guide published after 1989.
Potentially unsafe devices have been marketed for canning food in a microwave oven. These devices have not been shown to destroy all bacteria present in the food nor do they heat uniformly. Problems may also occur with food siphoning out of the jars and lid failures. Do not use these devices to can food at home.
Some kitchen appliances can create a vacuum in a mason jar without heat treatment. Since there is no heat treatment to destroy spoilage microorganisms and botulism bacteria, these organisms can grow under the vacuum seal. Vacuum sealing devices are not safe substitutes for proper heat processing in mason jars. If you wish to use vacuum sealers with canning jars, use them only for dry ingredients and non-perishable staples.
Fruit-Fresh® Fruit Protector helps retain fruit's natural colour and flavour and can be used for fresh fruit, canning and freezing. It is most commonly used for light fleshed fruit, such as peaches, pears and apples.
Fruit-Fresh® Fruit Protector contains ascorbic acid an antioxidant (a source of Vitamin C) and dextrose, a natural sugar. They increase acidity and pull juice to fruit's surface retarding browning and flavour loss.
Dissolve 1 tbsp (15 ml) Fruit-Fresh® Fruit Protector in 3 tbsp (45 ml) water. Toss with 4 cups (1000 ml) fruit; drain & serve. Or, mix 1 part Fruit-Fresh® Fruit Protector with 8 parts sugar. Toss with fruit; chill & serve. If desired, Fruit-Fresh® Fruit Protector may also be sprinkled over cut fruit which is then lightly tossed to distribute natural juices.
As it is prepared, place cut fruit into a solution of 4 tbsp (60 ml) Fruit-Fresh® Fruit Protector dissolved in 8 cups (2000 ml) water. Drain fruit. Raw Pack: Pack fruit into a hot jar. Hot Pack: Combine fruit & canning syrup, bring to a boil. Pack hot fruit into hot jar. Next step for both Raw Pack and Hot Pack -- cover fruit with boiling canning syrup* leaving 1/2 inch (1 cm) headspace. Remove air bubbles. Centre SNAP LID® on jar, apply screw band until fingertip tight. Process in a boiling water canner for time required for type of fruit and jar size.
Option 1: Sprinkle prepared fruit liberally with Fruit-Fresh® Fruit Protector and place on single layer on cookie sheet. Place in freezer until solid, about 35 minutes. Transfer frozen truit to freezer bags or container squeezing out excess air.
Option 2: As fruit is prepared, place it in a solution of 4 tbsp (60 ml) Fruit-Fresh® Fruit Protector dissolved in 8 cups (2000 ml) water. Drain fruit. Pack fruit tightly into freezer containers; cover with chilled syrup* leaving 1/2 inch (1 cm) headspace. Place crumpled waxed paper on fruit to push it under syrup. Seal & freeze.
Apply screw bands securely until fingertip tight. Center the prepared SNAP LID® on the jar. Then, using just your fingers, screw the band down evenly until you meet a point of resistance. Do not overtighten bands by using the full force of your hand or a utensil to tighten the band.
After processing, bands may appear to have loosened. This is natural. Do not retighten bands after processing. Let jars stand undisturbed 24 hours.
Overtightening bands prevents venting of excess air from the jar during heat processing. Jars that do not vent properly do not seal securely. Screw bands that are applied too tightly can cause lids to buckle. Buckling leads to seal failure.
If your query doesn't fit any of the above categories and/or if your review of available FAQs has not answered your question to your satisfaction, please use the message field to forward that inquiry to Bernardin. Our Consumer Response staff will attempt to assist you.
Although it may not be appetizing, you can eat most discoloured home canned food if the liquid is clear, the odour natural, and if you know the canning was done properly with recommended heat processing methods, time and temperature. The most frequent causes of colour change in home canned foods can be traced to:
BERNARDIN® mason jars are designed to withstand the repeated heating, cooling and multiple uses associated with home canning. However, they must be handled correctly to avoid certain situations that may result in breakage. The three main causes of accidental jar breakage and preventative measures are outlined below.
Scratches especially those on the interior surface of mason jars, can weaken the glass and cause breakage when the jars are heated or handled. Scratches are caused by:
To ensure long lasting durability of your mason jars, clean them with a soft cloth and warm soapy water or in a dishwasher. Only use non-metallic utensils when removing bubbles and serving. Use jar lifters that have a coated surface over the metal.
Although mason jars can withstand repeated heating and cooling, they are sensitive to quick temperature changes. Sudden cooling or heating can cause thermal shock and result in breakage. These are examples of actions that can thermal shock by:
Always put hot food into a hot jar and never place a jar directly into boiling water. Sterilize jars by covering with room temperature water and bringing to a boil. Boil 10 minutes. Place hot jars on a dishtowel or wooden cutting board when filling and cooling.
Heat causes expansion of food and gases inside the jar during processing. Thus pressure builds inside each jar. Glass does not expand, so the pressure needs an outlet. When lids are applied fingertip tight the excess gasses (or pressure) can escape. This action is called "venting". If lids are applied too tightly "venting" is prevented. A build-up of excess pressure inside the jar can cause the jar to break. Apply screw bands fingertip tight, or until they meet a point of resistance. This allows air to escape during processing, properly "venting" the jar.
The use of up-to-date home canning utensils and supplies, following the manufacturer's recommended lid application techniques and heat processing steps are all essential for sealing success with home canning two-piece metal lids.
The most common causes of seal failure are: Insufficient heat processing of filled jars. When filled jars are not heat processed and/or when the heat processing method or time are inadequate for the type of food and jar size, excess air is not vented from the jars and microorganisms that cause food spoilage are not inactivated. Initially, some lids may appear to seal. i.e. curve downward. However, these same lids may unseal during shelf storage. The seal failure at that time is caused by one of two reasons:
If a lid does not seal within 24 hours, the product must be:
To reprocess a product, remove the lid and check the sealing surface of the jar for tiny nicks or imperfections. If glass is damaged, replace the jar. If the product was packed hot originally, empty the jar and reheat the food. Pack the food into a clean, hot jar. (If processing time is less than 10 minutes, sterilize the jar before filling.) The sealing compound used for our home canning lids performs equally well at room temperature as it does pre-heated in simmering water (180ºF). Simply wash lids in hot, soapy water, dry and set aside until needed. If you still choose to pre heat your lids, do not boil. Place it on the jar and apply the screw band securely, until fingertip tight. Reprocess the product using the canning method and full processing time recommended by an up-to-date reliable home canning resource.
Store home canned foods in a cool, dry draft-free place that is as dark as possible.
The best temperature range for home canned food storage is 50° to 70°F (10° to 21°C). Food stored at temperatures higher than 70°F (21°C), may lose some of its nourishing qualities. Freezing can cause the contents of a jar to expand which in turn can break the seal or the jar.
A dark storage area is preferred. Light hastens oxidation and destroys certain vitamins. It can also cause certain foods to fade in colour. Placing jars in cupboards or boxes protects them from light. Avoid damp storage areas as they can cause lids to corrode.
Immature garlic that has not been properly cured for 2 to 4 weeks at 70°F can turn an iridescent greenish colour in pickled foods. Garlic may also turn green when exposed to sunlight or temperature changes. Some varieties of garlic and/or growing conditions produce garlic that has an excess of natural blue/green pigmentation. This colouring becomes more evident after pickling.
Blue garlic colour changes can also be caused by a reaction between garlic's natural sulfur content and copper in water or in iron, tin or aluminum cooking utensils. Blue garlic can also result when sufficient heat is not applied to inactivate garlic's natural enzymes. i.e. pickles that are not sufficiently processed. In most cases, greenish blue garlic colour changes are not harmful; the product remains safe to eat unless other spoilage signs are present.
Factors that can contribute to soft pickles include:
A boiling water canner is a large deep pot with a tight fitting lid and a rack to lift jars off direct heat. The pot must be deep enough to cover jars with 1 to 2 inches (3-5 cm) water.
Only high acid foods -- jams, fruits, tomatoes with added acid, pickles (including relish, chutney) -- can be processed safely in a boiling water canner.
Heating jars in water is the ONLY way to safely sterilise jars and heat process high acid food.
Tip: Turn any large, deep pot into a boiling water canner and tie screw bands together to make a rack.
Set screw bands aside.
In home canning terms, “processing” means heating filled jars at the temperature and time required to destroy spoilage microorganisms, inactivate enzymes and vent excess air from the jar. As the filled jar is heated, headspace pressure increases until air is vented from the jar. After processing, the atmospheric pressure outside the jar is greater than inside due to this "venting". This pressure difference causes the lid to be pushed down onto the jar, resulting in a true vacuum seal. This seal prevents microorganisms and air from entering and contaminating the food.
There are only two “heat processing” techniques recommended for safe home canning.
The acidity of the food you are home canning dictates the processing method. Heat processing methods are not interchangeable.
High Acid Foods include jams, jellies and other soft spreads, fruits and fruit juices, pickled fruits and vegetables, relishes, chutney, salsa, tomatoes with added acid and high acid fruit-tomato sauces and condiments. This technique requires filled, closed jars of food to be placed on a rack, immersed in water, brought to a rolling boil and boiled steadily for the “processing time”. The type of food and jar size determines this time.
Low Acid Foods include all vegetables, meat and game, poultry, fish, seafood, soups, stews, tomato-vegetable sauces and tomato-meat sauces.
Because the steam inside the canner is pressurized, its temperature exceeds the boiling point of water--212°F (100°C). Therefore, filled jars can be heated to 240°F (116°C). The food is held at this pressure and temperature for the “processing time” specified in up-to-date, tested home canning recipes. These times and temperatures have been established to destroy all bacteria, their spores and the toxins they can produce. In low acid foods, failure to destroy the bacterium, Clostridium botulinum can cause botulism, a deadly form of food poisoning. Boiling water canners are not appropriate for safe processing of low acid foods.
Botulism is a deadly disease caused by ingesting the toxic substance produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum (C. botulinum). This is a concern with improperly canned food.
Spores of the bacterium C. botulinum are found everywhere in nature. In normal cases, the spores are of no harm to us. However, in certain environments, the spores produce vegetative cells. It is these cells that produce the deadly toxin. The following circumstances are favourable for C. botulinum spores to produce toxic vegetative cells:a low acid environment (>4.6), such as vegetables and meats
the absence of air, such as a sealed mason jar a moist environment, such as food
The environment described above is identical to a jar of canned low acid food. Low acid food includes: all vegetables (not pickles), meat, fish, seafood, game and tomatoes without added acid.
Low acid foods may still be safely home canned. Botulism spores can be destroyed by a temperature of 116ºC (240ºF). This high temperature can only be achieved by the use of pressure in a pressure canner. Home canning recipes for some common low acid foods are available from BERNARDIN®. These provide instructions and the proper processing times for that food.
Note: Botulism is a frightening disease, not only because it may cause death, but because it is very difficult to detect in home canned food. C. botulinum has no smell and does not produce a gas. It is crucial that all low acid food be canned in a pressure canner for the appropriate time and pressure recommended.
High acid food includes jams, jellies, fruits, pickles, relishes, salsas and tomatoes with added acid. These foods have no risk of botulism, if properly prepared, due to their natural acidity.
Unfortunately, lobster is not one of the foods for which home canning in mason jars is recommended. The recommended home preservation method for lobster is freezing. We have searched the U.S. and Canada, talking to a broad range of food authorities. There is no record of any university or food processing authority development of a method and/or time for safe processing of lobster in mason jars, at this time..
First, lobster is a very delicate meat of relatively high fat content. But, more importantly, it is also a low acid food that requires processing (heating filled jars) in a pressure canner. Unlike boiling water canners, pressure canners heat food at elevated temperatures – 240°F (116°C) - to destroy spores of clostridium botulinum. When not inactivated, these spores can grow and lead to a deadly form of food poisoning called botulism. The heat and time required to destroy the spores and safely heat process lobster in a pressure canner would undoubtedly turn the lobster meat to mush making it most unappetizing.
Now, we are aware that some people in coastal areas "put up" lobster in jars utilizing a variety of handed-down methods, most of which appear to involve a boiling water canner. Moreover, our research has led us to believe that most of the processing times being used in this “handed-down method” are woefully inadequate. Quite frankly, these people are playing a very dangerous game of chance with their family's health. Unlike many microorganisms, spores of clostridium botulinum can lurk undetected in inadequately or poorly preserved foods. These spores are not detectable to the eye, touch or nose. In fact, they are very difficult to detect in a sophisticated lab.
We realize this is not the answer you wanted, but we trust that it will convince you to freeze lobster in the future. BERNARDIN® does have tested recipes for preserving salmon, clams, crab meat, oyster, tuna and fish in mason jars in the 3rd edition of the BERNARDIN® Guide to Home Preserving.
Floatation occurs frequently and naturally in canned fruits and vegetables. Although it may be visually unappealing, it is not dangerous by any means. There are, however, some steps that you can take to keep your home canned food looking as good as it taste.
Mason jars go from fridge to table in style! These jars are the perfect containers for freezing no-cook jams, as well as other foods intended for refrigerated storage. Simply thaw frozen jars in the fridge and they’re ready to serve. Unlike plastic, mason jars do not absorb food colours and flavours. They are dishwasher safe and can be sterilized in boiling water if desired. Because they can be reused over and over, mason jars are an economical choice for freezer storage.
All mason jars that have straight sides and no shoulders may be used for successful freezing. When freezing, food expands upward and does not take the shape of its container. This can cause jars that are not appropriate for freezing to break.
It is not recommended to use large amounts of oil in home canning recipes. Grocery stores carry commercial items such as pesto, garlic in oil and flavoured oils, but these cannot safely be canned in your home. Most home canning recipes using oil are intended for short-term refrigerator storage only.
Because of the harmful bacteria Clostridium botulinum (C. botulinum), the cause of botulism. C. botulinum produces a deadly toxin when in an environment that is:
These conditions are identical to those inside a home canned mason jar containing oil. Home canning with oils may promote the growth of C. botulinum, causing food poisoning to anyone who consumes it, possibly resulting in death. Instead, make your recipe using oil and store it in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. Use fresh, clean ingredients and utensils when making your recipe and discard any leftovers after 3 weeks.
Low acid foods such as vegetables, meats, poultry and seafood can only be safely processed in a pressure canner.
There are no safe short-cuts in home canning. Heat processing all high acid foods in a boiling water canner and low acid foods in a pressure canner--for the appropriate time for the food and jar size--are the only currently approved methods for safe home canning.
There is no substitute for adequate heat treatment. Some people may experience "good luck" with outdated methods...and then one year everything spoils! Each growing season is different. Heat-resistant bacteria are not necessarily present in every piece of produce. IF these organisms are absent...and that's a big IF...under-processed foods might keep. When they are present, the food spoils. Be safe rather than sorry. Always assume these microorganisms are present. Follow current, tested practices, such as those recommended on this site, that use the equipment and supplies available to you today.
Certain home canning methods and techniques, once thought to offer success, have been shown to be faulty, unsafe and potentially dangerous. These include:
Due to their high failure rate, the use of jars that utilize glass caps and rubber rings are not recommended for safe home canning today. Reference: Complete Guide to Home Canning and Preserving, Second Revised Edition, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1999, p 10 and 11. This publication further states the same with regard to jars with wire bails and glass caps, one-piece zinc porcelain lined caps and flat rubber rings.
Paraffin wax is NOT recommended for safe food preservation for a number of reasons.
NOTE: Paraffin wax is a flammable material that can be dangerous, especially when handled by inexperienced cooks.
Melted paraffin shrinks as it solidifies. Liquefied paraffin covers soft spreads spreading to the jar rim, but as it cools and hardens, paraffin shrinks away from the glass enough to allow air to come in contact with the food leading to the development of molds. Although it may appear to be solid, hardened paraffin wax can have microscopic pinholes running through it. Thus air can come in contact with the food, which can lead to the development of molds.
It was once presumed that mold growth on jellied products could be removed (skimmed off) and the product below would be safe to eat. However, research has shown that mold growth may produce mycotoxins, that can be very harmful to human health. Mycotoxins can migrate like invisible threads through the food to the bottom of the jar. Thus, skimming the surface mold will not remove mycotoxins.
The only safe way to eliminate or prevent mycotoxins is to place freshly-made soft spreads in mason jars with Bernardin two-piece home canning SNAP LID® closures followed by heat processing for the recommended method and time for the product and jar size. Heat processing vents air from the headspace, heats container and contents to inactivate food spoilage organisms and creates an airtight vacuum seal as the product cools
Open-kettle canning is not safe and is not recommended for food preservation. Open-kettle canning involves cooking the food in an open saucepan. The hot food is then put into jars and the lids are quickly put in place. This method "hopes" that a proper seal will be achieved as the food cools.
Regardless of the duration or heat intensity of the cooking period, the open-kettle method is not safe because the filled jars of food are not heated to and maintained at temperatures necessary to destroy spoilage microorganisms and assure strong vacuum seals. The open-kettle method omits essential heat processing necessary to drive the air from the jar to create a vacuum seal. The lid may appear to seal, but later may unseal due to a low vacuum. Or, microorganisms left in the food may cause spoilage. This spoilage produces gases, which in turn increase pressure inside the jar. The increased pressure may force the lid to release.
Foods ferment when open-kettle canning does not destroy yeasts, or permits them to enter the jar as it is filled and before it is sealed. Simply getting lids to curve downward on jars will not, in itself, prevent food from spoiling. The only successful way to create an airtight vacuum seal and destroy spoilage microorganisms is to heat process all filled jars by a method and time, appropriate for the type of food and jar size.
Not only is it unsafe, oven-canning can be extremely hazardous. Regardless of the brand of oven, jar, cap or lid you use, jars can break or explode due to temperature fluctuations when the oven door is opened. When you preserve food, it is important to know and control temperature. Oven temperatures vary according to accuracy of the oven regulator and how heat circulates. Also, dry heat penetrates food jars very slowly. Moreover, the temperature of the food inside the jar is not heated sufficiently to destroy microorganisms.
Do not confuse steam canning with pressure canning. Steam canning places jars of food on a rack in a covered, shallow pan. As the water in the shallow pan boils, steam is circulated around the filled jars. Steam in this device is not pressurized. These canners do not create a steady flow of steam nor maintain an even temperature. It is impossible to know if the heat has penetrated the food properly. The heat processing times given in recipes on this site are safe for processing foods in a boiling water canner or pressure canner as specified. Do not use these processing times for a steam canner as safe processing times have not been established for this method.
Be sure the recipe complies with up-to-date guidelines that include proper heat processing of all filled jars using the appropriate method and time for the type of food, jars and lids available today.
Home canning books or recipes considered to be family heirlooms or treasures, may not always be safe to use. In 1989, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) updated their home canning guidelines based on safety and quality. Therefore, a home canning book or recipe that was published before 1989 may be outdated and could affect the safety and quality of your home canned foods.
When up-to-date guidelines, such as those outlined on this site, are followed exactly, there should be little concern about the quality and safety of your home canned foods. As with commercial packaged foods, it is always wise to examine any food before using it. When you take it from the shelf, check each jar to see that it has retained its seal and that no visible changes have taken place during storage.
Unsealed lids indicate the possibility of spoilage. Certain spoilage microorganisms, such as yeast, produce gases that increase the pressure inside the jar. This increased pressure can break the seals and/or cause the lids to swell. If a lid can be removed without the use of pressure, do not use the product.
Other signs of spoilage include mold, bubbling gases, cloudiness, spurting liquid upon opening, seepage, yeast growth, fermentation, sliminess or disagreeable odors. If you know that a low acid food was improperly processed (i.e. in a boiling water canner as opposed to a pressure canner) do not use it under any conditions.
If you suspect spoilage, dispose of the food without tasting it ,when in doubt, throw it out. Dispose of all spoiled foods in a manner that will prevent consumption by humans or animals.
Jars of food that have been properly heat processed and have an an intact vacuum seal will keep indefinitely. However, changes do occur during shelf storage. These changes may affect the flavour, colour, texture and nutritional value of the product. Therefore, for best results, we recommend using home canned food within one year.
If the jar of food was processed according to current home canning recommendations , and the jar is still vacuum sealed, the food should be safe to eat. Examine the jar closely, freezing can cause damage to the vacuum seal or jar breakage. Home canned food that has been frozen during storage may by less desirable due to changes in texture, flavour, nutritional value and colour.
Yes, all jars of home canned foods that will be stored at room temperature must be heat processed to assure shelf stability and food safety. There are only two methods for heat processing home canned foods that are considered safe: boiling water canner for high acid foods and pressure canner for low acid foods. More detailed information on heat processing is found in Canning Basics and Step-by-Step.
Sugar is not an "essential" ingredient for safe preservation of food in mason jars. Many foods can be safely preserved with little or no added sugar. The absence of sugar, however, may alter the flavour, texture and colour of home preserved foods especially when compared to similar foods that contain higher quantities of sugar.
To preserve fruit without sugar, select only fully ripe fruit at its peak flavour. Water or unsweetened fruit juice (such as white grape or apple juice) may be used in place of sugar syrup. Or, if you choose, make a Very Light Syrup: combine 1/2 cup (125 ml) granulated sugar with 5 cups (1250 ml) water. This approximates the natural sugar level in most fruits and adds few calories. This small quantity of sugar also helps canned fruit retain their natural colour and texture.
Yes, vegetables can be home canned safely without salt. The measured quantity of salt indicated in most recipes is intended for taste and seasoning. The quantity is too small to control food spoilage. If desired, simply omit salt or reduce to taste. Do not omit or reduce salt from pickled foods or seafood.
In most home canning recipes, recommended processing times for boiling water and pressure canners are stated for use at elevations of 0 (sea level) to 1,000 ft (305 m). Because air is thinner at higher elevations, water boils at temperatures lower than 212°F (100°C) and pressure levels are reached at lower temperatures. Lower temperatures are less effective in destroying microorganisms, so adjustments must be made to assure the safety of home canned foods preserved at higher altitudes.
When using a boiling water canner at altitudes higher than 1,000 ft (305 m), processing times must be extended.
INCREASE Processing Time
When using a pressure canner at altitudes above 1,000 ft (305 m), the pressure level is increased but the recommended processing time remains constant. The type of pressure canner used determines the pressure adjustment.
Most local elevations or "altitude" can be determined by looking at a local map. Or, refer to the chart below. If you are not able to find data for your particular location, call Bernardin Ltd. toll free at 1-888-430-4231. One of our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you.
Foods are divided into two groups when home canning: High Acid and Low Acid. This is due to the different types of spoilage micro-organisms they may contain. Each group requires a specific heat processing method to effectively destroy these micro-organisms and avoid spoilage while filled jars are in storage.
These foods require the temperature of boiling water (212ºF/100ºC) to destroy yeast and mould. This is done in a boiling water canner with a rack on the bottom. Cover the filled jars with 1 to 2 inches (2 to 5 cm) water and bring to a boil. Start timing the heat processing only when water boils. Times vary depending on jar size, food density and chemical make-up. Never use a recipe that does not specify a heat processing time.
These foods require a temperature of 240ºF (116ºC) to destroy harmful bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum (Botulism). This temperature, higher than that of boiling water, can only be achieved in home kitchens with a pressure canner. Boiling water alone is not enough to kill bacteria that live in low acid food, and will actually promote its growth. Never use a recipe for low acid food that does not give instructions on how to heat process in a pressure canner. Also, refer to your pressure canner instruction manual.
*Only use home canning recipes from reliable sources, such as Bernardin. Never use a recipe that does not give a heat processing time and method for the food that you are preserving.
*Note, if packing jars with chilled fish, do not preheat jars or water prior to filling jars. When mason jars are filled and pressure canner is filled, add room temperature water to depth recommended by pressure canner manufacturer.
Heat processing time recommendations for jams and jellies were increased from 5 minutes to 10 minutes in 2003, thus eliminating the need to pre-sterilize mason jars before filling. Tests have shown that increasing the processing time does not adversely affect the product. If you choose to continue to use high acid recipes that require less than 10 minutes heat processing time, mason jars should be boiled 10 minutes, at altitudes up to 1,000 ft (305 m), prior to filling and the subsequent shorter than 10-minute heat processing time.
"Boiling lids" prior to placement on jars is no longer required for home canning. This recommendation has been changed to "Bring SNAP LID® to a boil and leave in hot water until ready to use." In the past, the recommendation was to "boil SNAP LIDS® five minutes" before placing them on filled jars. Extensive testing by Bernardin's technologists revealed that boiling the lids too long, combined with overly tight application of the screw bands, could lead to seal failure. Whereas, screw bands should be room temperature. Tighten screw bands securely & firmly until resistance is met - don't overtighten. Heat processing ALL filled jars is still a necessity for safe home canned foods.
Screw bands require no preparation and are much easier to handle if left at room temperature. Apply screw bands evenly and firmly until resistance is met. Don't overtighten, as this prevents venting - air escaping - during heat processing.
* Heat processing all filled jars is still a necessity for safe home canning.
Visually inspect mason jars for nicks, cracks, uneven rims or sharp edges that may prevent sealing or cause breakage. Do not use these jars. Check screw bands for proper fit on your mason jars and be sure the enamel surface of SNAP LIDS® closure is scratch-free. Wash jars and lids in hot, soapy water; rinse well.
Place clean mason jars on a rack in a boiling water canner; cover jars with water and heat to a simmer (180°F/82°C). Keep hot until use. Set screw bands aside; heat lids in hot water, not boiling (180°F/82°C). Keep jars and lids hot until ready to use.
Buckled lids appear to warp or bulge upward under the screw bands. There are two causes:
Loss of liquid from a jar of food is called "siphoning". It can be caused by: too little headspace failure to keep jars upright at all times removal of jars from processing a boiling water canner too quickly (before boil has subsided)too little water above the jars during boiling water processing fluctuating pressure in a pressure canner.
Due to the special handling and high postage costs required to deliver cases of glass jars without breakage, Bernardin mason jars are not offered in our mail order selection. Selected mass merchandisers, hardware and grocery stores across Canada, sell a selection of BERNARDIN® Mason Jars year-round. If you don't see them in the store, ask the store manager. If the item is listed in the store's central warehouse, the manager can order it in for you.
Four-packs of BERNARDIN® Collection Elite® mason jar storage pots and lids are available in the Order OnLine section of the website.
Currently Bernardin distributes its products in Canada via retailers and distributors, please check instore or online for various products sold at your major retailers.
Home canning supplies are sold at most grocery stores, hardware stores and in mass merchandise outlets across Canada. Unfortunately, not every store stocks every product year-round. The most abundant selection of home canning supplies is found in these stores during the spring-summer harvest seasons. Certain national and regional mass merchandisers, food chains and hardware stores carry a selection of home canning items year-round. If you do not see the item you want on the shelf, ask the store manager. If the item is listed in the store's general warehouse, managers can order the product in for you. The most common stores to find our products year round are Canadian Tire, Wal-Mart and Home Hardware. Please ask for assistance if your unable to find what you are looking for.
Pickling salt, such as Bernardin® Salt for Pickling and Preserving, and natural sea salts are free of additives and ensure you are using the best product for fermentation.
Place the spring in the jar with the bent pattern face-down on the surface of the food.
Mold has a fuzzy appearance and can be shades of green, grey, pink or white. It grows in spots or clumps and often has tentacles that reach well into the ferment. Kahm yeast is a safe, naturally occurring smooth white film that can form on the top of a ferment and inside the upper edges of the jar. kahm yeast smells yeasty, like bread.
No. Cloudy brine is a sign that fermentation is taking place.
Visible mold, putrid smell, foaming, or unusual color changes. When in doubt, throw it out.
Yes, but discard them when you open the jar. These pieces may not be safe to consume because they were exposed to air.
Headspace is the unfilled space in the jar between the brine and the rim of the jar.
Search for home canning recipes by clicking RECIPE SEARCH. Then type the recipe name or main ingredient in the Keywords field and click "Find It!"
If this search does not identify the recipe you seek, type your request in the Message field of the Contact Us form. Be sure to give us your name and address so that we can reply promptly to your request.
Unique circumstances regarding the growing season, the fruit variety or the fruit itself occasionally necessitate more than 24 hours for a gel to form. Therefore, wait two weeks to see if the product will gel. Do not disturb or shake the product during this time. If after two weeks the product still has not gelled, it may be recooked. Keep these factors in mind when deciding to recook a fruit spread. Only remake products that have maintained a good seal.
When preparing jams or jellies with dry or liquid fruit pectins, reducing the quantity of sugar from that recommended in the recipe can cause gel failure. Consumers with special dietary needs may wish to use a special product, BERNARDIN® No Sugar Needed Fruit Pectin, which gels fruit mixtures with no added sugar. Such fruit spreads are sweetened exclusively by fruit's natural sweetness. The sweetness of fruit spreads made with this No Sugar Needed pectin can be enhanced with artificial sweeteners or a small quantity of corn syrup, honey or up to 3 cups of granulated sugar.
The quantity of sugar in a long boil jam recipe may be reduced at the maker's discretion. However, the product will need to be cooked longer to reduce liquids and concentrate the natural sugars from the fruit used. In many cases, this lengthened cooking will result in a product with a carmelized flavour and considerably lower yield than similar quantities of fruit prepared with added pectin. Although long boil fruit spread recipes appear to use less sugar, by the time they are cooked down the sugar concentration is likely to be very close to added-pectin recipes that start with a greater quantity of added sugar.
Jellies require a delicate balance of sugar, fruit juice and acid. For ultimate jelly-making success, start with a tried and true jelly recipe and use ingredients in the specified quantities.
Tomatoes have a pH (acid) level that falls close to 4.6 - the line dividing high acid foods and low acid foods. It is important for the safety and quality of all home canned tomato recipes--sauce, whole & halved tomatoes, juice--that a proper acid level is maintained. Since many factors can decrease that natural acidity in tomatoes, the addition of bottled lemon juice or citric acid ensures the correct acidification in each jar. (Bottled lemon juice is recommended because its acid level is consistent, unlike fresh lemons that can have varied levels of acidity.)
Recipes such as salsa, tomato chutney and pickles tomatoes generally include an adequate quantity of vinegar (5% acidity) and do not require additional acidification. Always follow a tested recipe. Do not alter the type of ingredients in the recipe or the quantities used.
GEM 1 piece lid and GEM 2 piece lids and bands.
Unfortunately, we don't sell our products directly to consumers, but through retailers only. It’s important to note that each store may carry a different assortment of our merchandise. Therefore, we wanted to give you plenty of notice on the discontinuation happening this Spring. We have so many great alternatives including our REGULAR and WIDE MOUTH lids, however if you need additional assistance finding the best alternative for your needs, please let us know and we would be happy to help!
Bernardin jars are 100% glass and therefore they are recyclable material, please check with your local recycling center on how to safely dispose of any unused items
The Hutterite community is, and will always be, very important to us. We’re sorry you’re disappointed. Unfortunately, since GEM jars, the only jars that are able to accommodate the GEM lids & bands, were discontinued 20 years ago, continuing to produce GEM lids & bands has limited our ability to increase overall canning production and make our high-quality canning lids & bands available in larger quantities to support growing demand. We want you to know that we will continue to focus on, and produce, our REGULAR and WIDE MOUTH lids & bands that come with many more options of jars. Again, please know how important the Hutterite Community is to us and if we can help you identify a great alternative for the GEM items, we are here and ready.
We encourage you to “upcycle” the jars into gifts, home décor and other DIY activities. Jars can be used in multiple ways outside of canning, follow our social platforms for DIY ideas to repurpose your jars.
GEM lids are 78mm in size and must be used with GEM jars. Bernardin has not produced GEM jars since the 2000. REGULAR lids are 70mm in size and can fit a variety of different size jars ranging from 125ml to 1L.
These lids only fit on GEM jars which have no longer been in production for over 20 years.
It was important to us that we let you know about this discontinuation so that you had plenty of time to shop your favorite retailers and learn about our great alternatives for all of your canning and crafting needs. Availability of the GEM lids & bands depends on the retailer you’re shopping at. We have several alternative options depending on your need so please let us know if you need any assistance.
In an effort to better meet increased consumer demand for canning products we have made the decision to streamline our Bernardin canning product portfolio. As a result, we will no longer be selling GEM lids and bands starting this Spring. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any other questions.
There are no plans to bring back GEM lids and bands in the future. By focusing production efforts, it will allow us to increase overall canning production for our customers and make our high-quality canning lids & bands available in larger quantities, to support growing demand. If you need any help identifying alternatives to our GEM items, please reach out to us and we will get back to you with our assistance.
Contact us and we'll respond to any questions as soon as possible.